CHANGELOG: Expanded Chapter 2 of How to Program Good

I had previously published the first two chapters of my ongoing series, How to Program Good [0]. The second chapter deals with defining and describing the two fundamental building blocks of Good Programs: data and interfaces [1]. Chapter 3 is intended to cover the nuts and bolts of how components are composed together, using interfaces, as well as the lifetime of a component.

However, there was an analogy I had planned to include in a later chapter, that of the marble run, which I realized would be helpful to include in chapter 2. This analogy gives a more concrete feeling for how components interact with neighboring components, using their interfaces, which I think would be helpful to have in-mind going into chapter 3.

All that said, a new section has been added to chapter 2: The Marble Run

[0] How to Program Good

[1] Chapter 2: Data and Interfaces

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