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"Blog" is Such an Ugly Word

Almost as bad as "brand consolidation".

Harkening back to my blazing critique of a minor aspect of a service which I dearly hope succeeds, I have another gripe about naming.

blazing critique

Maybe the word "blog" is what's holding blogging back from wider adoption. Not in the sense of the word having been tainted by a decade of content mills, corpo speak, and affiliate farming (though those aren't helping either), but literally the word itself.

It sounds like the word you'd use to describe cat vomit. "Scooter blogged up on the carpet last night, and I didn't realize till I stepped in it this morning."

It's just a gross word, too close to "bleh", "gag", and "bog" for its own good.

So in that spirit, I decided to rebrand this site. No longer will there be separate `` and `` domains! The content at the former has been merged into the latter, and the domain of the latter has been redirected to the former.

I've also scrubbed all copy on the site of the term "blog". This is no longer a "blog". It's a site. Where I post posts.

I suppose I'm no longer a blogger now either. Just a humble web master tryna make it in the big internet.



Published 2022-11-29

This site is a mirror of my gemini capsule. The equivalent gemini page can be found here, and you can learn more about gemini at my 🚀 What is Gemini? page.

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