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mediocregopher's lil web corner

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Open Offer: I Will Host Your Domain

I've written about this previously, but there's a major update now, and I want to solidify the offer I'm making.

The major update is this:

Project Gemini

The way it works is this: You buy a domain, you set up a git repo which contains your website and/or gemini capsule, and you use Domani to bridge the two. There's no registration, no tracking, no nothing. It just does it.


When you set up a domain, it will be hosted on both HTTP(s) and Gemini. So you can interleave both html and gmi files in your git repo, and it will all work out. Or you can just leave off one or the other, if you don't care about one protocol.

Now for the offer: if you're reading this, just shoot me an email and I will give you the passphrase which allows you to use the instance. If you have always wanted to have a personal website or gemini capsule on your own domain, but hadn't wanted to go through the effort of setting up hosting, this is your chance!

Email: me@mediocregopher.com

I had made this offer in my previous post, but was a bit wishy-washy about my commitment. That's also changed. I'm committing to keeping your domain alive for as long as I'm keeping my own alive. They will be using the same Domani instance, after all.

What am I getting out this? My ultimate goal is to make it more common for people to own their own web presence, rather than being guests on others'. Using your own domain name is a huge first step in that process. The more people own their own domain, the healthier the web is overall. Tools like Domani can accelerate this process. In the more immediate term, you're helping me test Domani in the real world, with real users, which is worth quite a bit for any budding open-source project.

If you're interested in Domani from a development perspective, you can find the source code here:

Domani Source Code

Published 2023-08-09

This post is part of a series.
Next: Micropelago in 2023
Previously: Domiply: Your Friendly Neighborhood Gateway

This site can also be accessed via the gemini protocol: gemini://mediocregopher.com/

What is gemini?