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Managing a Home Server With Nix

- Docker is for boomers.

My home server has a lot running on it. Some of it I've written about in this blog previously, some of it I haven't. It's hosting this blog itself, even!

With all of these services comes management overhead, both in terms of managing packages and configuration. I'm pretty strict about tracking packages and configuration in version control, and backing up all state I care about in B2, such that if, at any moment, the server is abducted by aliens, I won't have lost much.


Previously I accomplished this with docker. Each service ran in a container under the docker daemon, with configuration files and state directories shared in via volume shares. Configuration files could then be stored in a git repo, and my docker run commands were documented in Makefiles, because that was easy.

This approach had drawbacks, notably:


Nix is the new hotness, and it solves all of the above problems quite nicely. I'm not going to get into too much detail about how nix works here (honestly I'm not very good at explaining it), but suffice to say I'm switching everything over, and this post is about how that actually looks in a practical sense.

For the most part I eschew things like flakes, home-manager, and any other frameworks built on nix. While the framework of the day may come and go, the base nix language should remain constant.

As before with docker, I have a single git repo being stored privately in a way I'm confident is secure (which is necessary because it contains some secrets).

At the root of the repo there exists a pkgs.nix file, which looks like this:

  src ? builtins.fetchTarball {
    name = "nixpkgs-d50923ab2d308a1ddb21594ba6ae064cab65d8ae";
    url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/d50923ab2d308a1ddb21594ba6ae064cab65d8ae.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "1k7xpymhzb4hilv6a1jp2lsxgc4yiqclh944m8sxyhriv9p2yhpv";
}: (import src) {}

This file exists to provide a pinned version of nixpkgs which will get used for all services. As long as I don't change this file the tools available to me for building my services will remain constant forever, no matter what else happens in the nix ecosystem.

Each directory in the repo corresponds to a service I run. I'll focus on a particular service, navidrome, for now:

:: ls -1 navidrome

Not much to it!


The first file to look at is the default.nix, as that contains all the logic. The overall file looks like this:


  pkgs = (import ../pkgs.nix) {};

in rec {

    entrypoint = ...;

    service = ...;

    install = ...;


The file describes an attribute set with three attributes, entrypoint, service, and install. These form the basic pattern I use for all my services; pretty much every service I manage has a default.nix which has attributes corresponding to these.


The first entrypoint, looks like this:

  entrypoint = pkgs.writeScript "mediocregopher-navidrome" ''
    exec ${pkgs.navidrome}/bin/navidrome --configfile ${./navidrome.toml}

The goal here is to provide an executable which can be run directly, and which will put together all necessary environment and configuration (navidrome.toml, in this case) needed to run the service. Having the entrypoint split out into its own target, as opposed to inlining it into the service file (defined next), is convenient for testing; it allows you test exactly what's going to happen when running the service normally.


service looks like this:

  service = pkgs.writeText "mediocregopher-navidrome-service" ''
    Description=mediocregopher navidrome


    # The important part!

    # https://www.navidrome.org/docs/installation/pre-built-binaries/


It's function is to produce a systemd service file. The service file will reference the entrypoint which has already been defined, and in general does nothing else.


install looks like this:

  install = pkgs.writeScript "mediocregopher-navidrome-install" ''
    sudo cp ${service} /etc/systemd/system/mediocregopher-navidrome.service
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable mediocregopher-navidrome
    sudo systemctl restart mediocregopher-navidrome

This attribute produces a script which will install a systemd service on the system it's run on. Assuming this is done in the context of a functional nix environment and standard systemd installation it will "just work"; all relevant binaries, configuration, etc, will all come along for the ride, and the service will be running exactly what's defined in my repo, everytime. Eat your heart out, ansible!

Nix is usually used for building things, not doing things, so it may seem unusual for this to be here. But there's a very good reason for it, which I'll get to soon.


While default.nix could exist alone, and I could just interact with it directly using nix-build commands, I don't like to do that. Most of the reason is that I don't want to have to remember the nix-build commands I need. So in each directory there's a Makefile, which acts as a kind of index of useful commands. The one for navidrome looks like this:

	$$(nix-build -A install --no-out-link)

Yup, that's it. It builds the install attribute, and runs the resulting script inline. Easy peasy. Other services might have some other targets, like init, which operate the same way but with different script targets.

Nix Remotely

If you were waiting for me to explain why the install target is in default.nix, rather than just being in the Makefile (which would also make sense), this is the part where I do that.

My home server isn't the only place where I host services, I also have a remote host which runs some services. These services are defined in this same repo, in essentially the same way as my local services. The only difference is in the Makefile. Let's look at an example from my maddy/Makefile:

	nix-build -A install --arg paramsFile ./vultr.nix
	nix-copy-closure -s ${VULTR} $$(readlink result)
	ssh -tt -q ${VULTR} $$(readlink result)

Vultr is the hosting company I'm renting the server from. Apparently I think I will only ever have one host with them, because I just call it "vultr".

I'll go through this one line at a time. The first line is essentially the same as the install line from my navidrome configuration, but with two small differences: it takes in a parameters file containing the configuration specific to the vultr host, and it's only building the install script, not running it.

The second line is the cool part. My remote host has a working nix environment already, so I can just use nix-copy-closure to copy the install script to it. Since the install script references the service file, which in turn references the entrypoint, which in turn references the service binary itself, and all of its configuration, all of it will get synced to the remote host as part of the nix-copy-closure command.

The third line runs the install script remotely. Since nix-copy-closure already copied over all possible dependencies of the service, the end result is a systemd service running exactly as it would have if I were running it locally.

All of this said, it's clear that provisioning this remote host in the first place was pretty simple:

And that's literally it. No docker, no terraform, no kubernubernetes, no yaml files... it all "just works". Will it ever require manual intervention? Yeah, probably... I haven't defined uninstall or stop targets, for instance (though that would be trivial to do). But overall, for a use-case like mine where I don't need a lot, I'm quite happy.

That's pretty much the post. Hosting services at home isn't very difficult to begin with, and with this pattern those of us who use nix can do so with greater reliability and confidence going forward.

Published 2021-11-08

This post is part of a series.
Next: DAV is All You Need
Previously: Self-Hosting a Blog Mailing List

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