👻 mediocregopher's lil web corner

This here's my little corner of the web. First and foremost this space is my primary means of publishing updates about myself, what I'm currently working on, and what's on my mind. Let's say it's like my social media. My gemlog is kept up-to-date with new posts and recent changes around the site.

🔔 Gemlog and Atom/RSS feeds

This is also where I organize and present my creative works. It's kind of like my portfolio, except I'm not a professional. These works range from actual art to technical writing. This is a new aspect that this site is taking, and it will take me a bit more time to make it ready to be explored in this way, but stay tuned!

🖍️ Random Acts of Art

💯 Chronicles of a Critic

🫶 Donation Station

If you're wondering what all the "gemini", "gemspace", and "gemlog" stuff is about, check out my "What is Gemini" page to learn more about my favorite part of the internet.

🚀 What is Gemini?

Below you'll find other information and links related to me.


Feel free to hmu over email or Signal if you'd like to get in touch.

📧 Email: me@mediocregopher.com

🔑 GPG Key

💬 Signal: mediocregopher.01


🔦 Fumble Around is a simple content discovery service for gemspace.

☕ My feed reader aggregates all feeds I follow across gemspace and the old web.


💻 dev.mediocregopher.com is for newer open-source code I've written.

☀️ micropelago implements the foundation of a community infrastucture.

💾 radix is for using redis with go.


🤝 bgpicciano.com is my cover site/resume.

🎷 NTS is a great internet radio station.


🪄 Everything on this site is licensed under the WTFPL, unless otherwise noted.

This site is a mirror of my gemini capsule. The equivalent gemini page can be found here, and you can learn more about gemini at my 🚀 What is Gemini? page.

Hi! My name is Brian and I'm available for short-term remote contract work. Whether you need a consultant to guide you through a difficult problem or another pair of hands to smash out some code, I can do it all. Learn more about me and my skillset by browsing around this site, head over to my resume to find my actual work history, and shoot me an email when you're ready to get in touch.