👻 mediocregopher
This page contains all recent posts and changes to this site, presented in the gemlog format. There is also an equivalent Atom/RSS feed, if that's what you're into.
Gemlog Spec (it's very simple) (proxied)
2025-02-08 - Micropelago Cross-Post: A Game Interface for a non-Game
2025-02-04 - Block AI Scrapers With a Caddy Plugin
2025-01-22 - Panning for Tunes (Jan 2025 Edition)
2024-01-13 - CHANGELOG: gemlog_to_feed Caddy Module
2024-12-19 - Isle Release v0.0.3 (Alpha) - Multiple networks, CLI configuration, oh my!
2024-12-05 - Torquato Tasso, and other works from Goethe (1790)
2024-12-03 - busiless: A Simple Task Tracking and Auto-Prioritization Tool
2024-11-14 - How Much Faster is Passing-by-Pointer in Go?
2024-11-07 - I Built a Table for My Record Player
2024-11-01 - CHANGELOG: Inlined Images Site-wide
2024-08-26 - Movie Review: Alien: Romulus (No Spoilers)
2024-08-14 - CHANGELOG: Random Acts of Art
2024-08-01 - A Whole New World
2024-07-05 - Serving Gemtext Files From Caddy
2024-06-08 - A Simple Script to Initialize nix-Based Projects
2024-06-04 - Mediocre Feed: My New Feed Reader
2024-05-11 - Who Needs a Whole-Ass Git Forge, Anyway?
2024-05-01 - Fumble Around! A New Gemspace Discovery Service
2024-04-23 - Book Report: Sir Gawain e il Cavaliere Verde
2024-02-23 - In Defense of Boilerplate
2024-02-17 - Serving a Website From a Git Repo Without Cloning It
2024-01-06 - Book Report: The Consolation of Philosophy
2023-12-30 - Digital Tidying: Finding and Fixing Dead Links
2023-12-22 - Micropelago in 2023
2023-12-06 - On the Shoulders of Giants
2023-11-27 - Statically Cross-Compiling Rust Projects Using Nix
2023-11-02 - Ginger 2023 Update
2023-09-26 - Code Coverage Ain't Everything
2023-09-13 - Story Time: The Hackiest Feature of Them All
2023-08-24 - DANE Will Set Us Free
2023-08-15 - The Whole World is Sleeping On Mr. Gnome
2023-08-09 - Open Offer: I Will Host Your Domain
2023-07-31 - How to Errors Good
2023-05-29 - RESP as a General Purpose Serialization Protocol
2023-05-23 - Domiply: Your Friendly Neighborhood Gateway
2023-04-19 - Good Music You Haven't Heard Of
2023-03-25 - Saying LLMs Lack "Understanding"
2023-03-15 - Copyright, but Punk
2023-02-20 - Eyeball-Minute Land
2023-01-22 - A Tour of Gemspace
2022-12-23 - How to Learn Rust
2022-11-29 - "Blog" is Such an Ugly Word
2022-11-04 - Mastodon's Biggest Problem is Its Name
2022-10-12 - Why Fight The Oaks?
2022-08-10 - Running ruTorrent With Nix
2022-07-04 - Public Release of cryptic-net
2022-06-09 - Re: The Mindless Tyranny of "What If It Changes?"
2022-06-03 - Another Small Step For Maddy
2022-06-01 - My Ideal Operating System
2022-05-25 - You Just Can't Win
2022-05-22 - Old Blog, New Bones
2022-05-03 - Why Do We Have WiFi Passwords?
2022-04-03 - Ginger: A Small VM Update
2022-03-13 - The Case for Open Infrastructure
2022-01-23 - The Cryptic Filesystem
2022-01-01 - DAV is All You Need
2021-12-31 - Ginger: It's Alive!
2021-12-01 - Minting A Single NFT
2021-11-08 - Managing a Home Server With Nix
2021-09-22 - Building AppImages with Nix
2021-08-26 - The Syntax of Ginger
2021-08-04 - Self-Hosting a Blog Mailing List
2021-07-18 - V4 of Radix, a Golang Redis Driver
2021-07-14 - How to Secure a Webapp
2021-07-06 - Setting Up maddy On A VPS
2021-06-26 - Self-Hosted Email With maddy: A Naive First Attempt
2021-06-07 - Adventures In DeFi
2021-05-16 - New Year's Resolution Vibe Check
2021-04-22 - Composing Processes Into a Static Binary With Nix
2021-04-11 - Ripple V2: A Better Game
2021-04-06 - Evaluation of Network Filesystems
2021-03-20 - A Simple Rule for Better Errors
2021-03-04 - Conditionals in Ginger, Errata
2021-03-01 - Conditionals in Ginger
2021-02-13 - Building gomobile Using Nix
2021-02-06 - Old Code, New Ideas
2021-01-30 - Building Mobile Nebula
2021-01-23 - Goodbye, Github Pages
2021-01-01 - New Year, New Resolution
2020-11-16 - Component-Oriented Programming
2019-08-02 - Program Structure and Composability
2018-10-25 - Rethinking Identity
2015-07-15 - Go's http package by example
This site is a mirror of my gemini capsule. The equivalent gemini page can be found here, and you can learn more about gemini at my 🚀 What is Gemini? page.
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